

1. Creepy.
2. I don't like Coldplay.
3. Her outfit.. Cher, Turnback Time.. anyone??
4. I don't really like this song. (see #2)
5. Mr. Paltrow.. c'mon..
6. Creepy.
7. Attitudes? Ummm.. I'll buy that... cute.
8. I'm glad she didn't break.
9. A split?! Gross!?
10. His outfit.. umm.. gross.
11. Why did I post this???

via Sweet Tartuffery.


Big Lug BBQ pics!

I'm quite confident that the world can use much more Big Lug!

A fun time was had by all.

Do I hear rumors of a sequel before the warm weather leaves us??

Details forthcoming.

For more photos of the BBQ click here and here.


last saturday

I was finally able to upload images from last Saturday!


red carpet

Sometimes I'm too lazy to turn on my satellite radio and end up listening to hours of KTU(New York's dance music radio station). Instead of the brilliant pop programming of BBC Radio One on SIRIUS, I listen to KTU's claustrophobic playlist and get trite lyrics from Amber, Reina, Shannon, Rihanna and Judy Torres stuck in my head.

Red Carpet's Alright is my head's current anthem-on-repeat. I try to rationalize my love for this song by saying that it's got a little bit of an old-school Frankie Knuckles style piano-house bent to it... but it's pretty much just a catchy commercial house anthem.

Give it a listen.. you might just like it.

Enjoy: Alright_Red Carpet.mp3


i will have you

I will own this painting someday. Just came across it again earlier today. It's of Habitat67 in Montreal. It's one of the main obsessions in my life and definitely my favorite building... ever.

For more great stuff like this visit Jason Hill Design. I especially like the Retro-Futurism section.


bring it to the runway

Who wants to go to a ball with me???

Enjoy: Runway_Robbie Tronco.mp3


that indefinable nothing

This track was originally released on Martin L. Gore's 1989 solo album, Counterfeit.

I like it a lot.

Do you?

Enjoy: Compulsion_Martin L. Gore.mp3

tiny little people


cease fire

I downloaded this track from Jockohomo months ago and for some reason I don't think I ever listened to it. I'm totally obsessed with its poppy sweetness now.

Enjoy: Don't cry out_shiny toy guns.mp3


calling all bears!

Hope to see you there!


best ever


don't go in the bushes.. something might grab ya.

More.. many more... pics in Scott's post.


I'm running on a treadmill now.

Another video from Michele.

OK Go's "Here It Goes Again".

The song... ehhh.. the video... Mmmmm...


anything that you do too (arthur russell part 2)

Another one of my favorite Arthur Russell tracks... I Like You! Mumble, cello, disjointed beats.. what could be better?!

For more info on Mr. Russell read this article from Slate.

Keep a lookout for part 3.

Enjoy: Arthur Russell_I Like You.mp3
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