
Woof or Guuuuurrll???

Why? Why? Why?

Thanks, Beeeenie.


the end of the earth

He learned the universal language of the milieu: the language of indirection, gesture, and the significant glance. Honesty and dishonesty existed in such completely equal measure that it was impossible to distinguish between them. The lack of truth in most of the sharp, witty, and fantastic exchanges that passed for conversation was so obvious and so enormous that it was no longer untruth. There was no way of separating fact from fiction, nor was there any reason to do so. Under the guise of endearments or highly civilized verbal cruelties existed an elaborate, formalized, and continuous chase. Everyone was hunting, hunted, searching and searched, wanting and wanted. The aim was constant and unchanging: conquest. Not one conquest, but continuous conquest, from one victory to another, for it was the conquest alone that was important and never the prize.

From Finistère, Fritz Peters


lemon incest

Oh, Serge... no you didn't!?

Thanks for the tip, Mr. Grimes.


chris & vinny went to amsterdam and all i got was this lousy cock-shaped salt shaker

of course they did.

west chelsea

three sheets to the wind

I got some nice new sheets.

You should get some too.

The Dwell sample sale on Greene just North of Broome is on until April 1st.


smooth soft red velvety lungs

I forgot how much I love this video.


NASCAR vs. Jihad

Those Saint at Large guys did a fucking brilliant job this year with the theme.

I almost want to go.

Should I?


duck burrito

Woo woo to Andrew Duck!

Check out this fun AP video about burritos in Hell's Kitchen...

Pseudo-Mexican Standoff:
Chipotle vs. Burritoville

Andrew is pitching for the Chipotle camp.

Thanks for the tip, Garkawe!

new camera


beeeeny's brunch

Thanks to Vinny, my hangover was melted away yesterday in a cloud of good times, mimosas, cinnamon buns, a faggy fire, casis, eggs benedict, asparagus, citrus salad, handsome faces, witty repartee, and maple soaked bacon.

Chef Stan from Seattle made sure our bellies were filled with tasty vittles over the course of our marathon six hour brunch.

And out of the blue... Vinny gave me a new camera! Get it, girl! Yaaaaay-ya!

More pics here.



damian's birthday plus

Dinner with Chris and Cody at Half King... Damian's birthday bash in Harlem... Nowhere drinks galore.

Fun Saturday all around.


bloody sunday

Who links to me?